Monday, January 25, 2016


            It's almost time for weddings to start popping up all over the place, and I just LOVE wedding season. This is a wedding I did last year, but am just getting around to blogging about. Morgan and Hunter's big day was just perfect. Look for this article I wrote and beautiful pictures from the wedding day in East Alabama Living's March edition.

For Morgan and Hunter the Best Day Ever began the morning of May 23, 2015. The weather was perfect for a most beautiful wedding at The Hay Barn in Collinsville, AL.
              Morgan first had her eyes on Hunter three years earlier in a math class that she dreaded everything about except for getting to see Hunter. He obviously had the same feelings as they shared their first date on a weekend hunting trip to Selma. Morgan knew from the first date that there was something special about Hunter and knew she did not want to spend a day without him.

They began dating in October before Morgan lost her very best friend in the world, her Paw Paw, in January. In the years to come Morgan and Hunter ran her Paw Paw’s business together. Morgan knew she would honor her Paw Paw on her wedding day and did that by lighting a candle for him, carrying a small picture of them around her bouquet, and leaving the ceremony in his Chevy.

After hours of preparation the big day finally arrived for Morgan. The bridesmaids, groomsmen, and families arrived early at the barn to finish all of the decorations and to get ready for the ceremony. Morgan spent precious time getting ready with her bridesmaids as did Hunter with his groomsmen. Morgan’s Maw Maw arrived with loads of the most perfect flower arrangements that she made herself. The family scurried to adorn the barn with all of the decorations and flower arrangements. Tristan Cairns Photography arrived to capture special moments in bridal and grooms suites, Morgan’s first look with Hunter and with her Dad, and pre ceremony pictures of the bridal party and family.

By early afternoon the decorations had all found their own perfect place, pictures were wrapped up, and Morgan and Hunter were tucked away into their separate rooms to send the last few moments before their “I do’s” with the people most special to them.  Guests began to arrive and fill up the church pews, chairs, and loft. The time came for the music to begin and the bridal party to gather outside. The mothers and grandmothers were escorted to their seats first, followed the bridal party and flower girls and ring bearers. Finally, Morgan and her Dad took their place behind closed doors. The music started, the doors opened and John took his little girls arms in his and led her down the aisle to light a candle for her Paw Paw and then to meet the love of her life. Her Dad gave her away and Hunter took her hands as they vowed before God, their family and friends, to be each other’s partner for the rest of their lives. They chose to assemble a unity cross during the ceremony that they could display in their home. The preacher, Morgan, and Hunter each had a piece to place together symbolizing the Father, Son , and Holy Ghost as a basis for their marriage. Finally, the preacher blessed their marriage; Hunter got to kiss his bride and lead her out the back exit.

As the sun was setting the guests made their way to the patio and lawn as they anxiously awaited seeing Mr. and Mrs. Billingsley for the first time. The band, Teenage Daddy, announced the new couple and played “Thinking Out Loud” as the couple shared their first dance. Morgan and her dad danced to “Daddy’s Angel” and Hunter and his mom danced to “I Hope You Dance”.

The guests enjoyed food catered by Breaking Bread, drinks, the happy new couple, and the dance floor for hours. Into the night, Morgan and Hunter left the ceremony in her Paw Paw’s Chevy under a banner of ribbons flown by friends and family.
If you fins yourself looking for a wedding planner or any kind of event planning, decorating, organizing help, please contact. I'd love to be a part of your event this year!
Find us on Instagram and Facebook at Master Unplanned

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