Wednesday, October 28, 2015

EEEK...New Things!

   I am so very excited this week! Well.. It's fall in Alabama. Is there anything better? Hoodies, bon fires, pumpkin spice latte, pumpkin spice candles, pumpkin spice... everything, football, family, and it's only three days until Halloween. And I have a date with a 6 year old Clark Kent-Superman. He's the cutest.
   This time of year gives me all kinds of good "feels". As if I needed another reason to enjoy the season,  I just finished an awesome outdoor, backyard,  fall wedding. (pictures to come soon) I mean really. Please. Stay. Forever. Fall. Please stay forever pumpkin spice.
Obviously. I'm season giddy. BUT I have a big announcement that has me even more over-the-top excited. I'll probably need an intervention soon. Or...more pumpkin spice latte.
Since I first started Master Unplanned, along with planning all the events I could possibly squeeze into my schedule, I've wanted to make this announcement more than you can imagine. I thought about it. Prayed about it. Dreamed about it. Once. Twice. A million more times. It has seemed in arms reach a couple of times, and then didn't happen. BUT it is finally happening. Like this weekend!!
   Master Unplanned will launch APPAREL... and it will be live, available to purchase at the beginning of next week. The first batch coming out is graphic print shirts for women and kids.. all are my own hand lettered prints. I can not tell you how excited I am about this. I have all the love for printed shirts, and a collection that could clothe a few families myself. There is just something about wearing a shirt that can inspire or encourage yourself or anyone who reads it, or about putting on a shirt that will make someone smile, or that will make someone stop and ask you what it means- giving you a chance to tell your story and share your faith. And hello? Cute kids in cute printed shirts?? Need I say more?
   I won't until they come out because they each have a story that I cannot wait to tell you about each one.
    Now... I'm going to get all the flannel, denim, cute kids, pretty ladies, pumpkins, and all the fall things ready for a photo shoot with Master Unplanned Apparel!!!!
Get ready for the shirts to be released early next week on our facebook and instagram page. Thanks to all the Master Unplanned tribe. You are awesome.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

New Year.. New blog!
New Year Resolutions  ... Throughout the year last year I gained so many things that were not on my   list of resolutions. Courage, self-respect, mental toughness, spiritual strength, internal motivation, and self-worth are just a few. I'm learning to look at life differently and there are some simple truths I have found that speak volumes in my life such as: trust the process, embrace the journey, value good friends, family and advice, and live life with a purpose.
So, for 2015 I am not making many resolutions but instead more of a prayer for the year. It seems that God does a pretty fine job of making sure I learn the lessons I need to each year, whether it come the hard way or the easy way, and whether they are on my resolution list or not. So this year I pray to have an open heart, mind, eyes and ears to embrace each and every opportunity that God allows in my path, and to use every gift He has given to me to make the most of each opportunity, and to learn absolutely every lesson that each opportunity holds. To be a better ME for HIM.
Thank you to all who were a part of MasterUnPlanned in 2014, and here's to 2015. Bring it on!!
I would love to work with you this year! Contact me for any event planning, directing, coordinating, or custom artwork, ect. I can not wait to see what this year has in store.
Follow on instagram and facebook @MasterUnPlanned.